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Monday, February 6, 2012

Jesus Christ

Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair.A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.And You know what 2,000 years ago one man got nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be if everyone was nice to each other for a change. That Man is Jesus Christ .Can we do that for Him can we Sacrifice our Pride to make Peace with our Enemy...It's Only small act of deeds Compare to what He Sacrifice for Us. His Life compare to our Pride..It's Never too Late Jesus Is calling US it's time for Peace not War Love not Hate It's Time for a Change time for FORGIVENESS To Those who Hate me or considered their self as my Enemy I forgive You and to those I offended without Knowing it and if hurt your feelings I'm So Sorry I'm just a Human Being sometimes I make Mistakes I'm not Perfect ^_^ Please Forgive me ^_^ Peace Be with YOU All I can Hear my Lord God Saying " Come with me and I will take You Rest" I don't want to miss my Chance I will Follow Him ^_

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