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Monday, February 6, 2012

Inspirational thougths

In Life many People think they were Judged by the other People or By their Friends.I don't Say that I am Perfect because Nobody is Perfect I hate Judging Because i don't want to being Judged by anybody..I Know about Karma.You Know I despise and hate Liars and fake People and anybody that they will do not nice thing to me...I will surely Tell You you're wrong Yes I will for sure. I will not stand in a corner and Shut my mouth and pretend that it's ok for me even you're Judging me comfort me with all lies and pretend that I'm Happy with it ...its a Big No!! I have my Eyes my Mind my Mouth and my Heart to know who's Right or Wrong.I'm Just a Nobody but I'm Trying my Best to be Somebody by Just Being ME ..many People Judged me but I don't Care they only knows me according to what I show to them.I Am what I am Love me or hate me It's Up to You But tell You what I can Face You with my Head held High Look at You In the Eyes and Tell You..This Is Me the Real Me Before YOU JUDGE Me Or Make Something bad at my Back Take a Big Mirror and look at Yourself ask this to Yourself. What Is wrong With Me Why some Of my Friend Don't Trust Me Maybe You can see the answer because I think You are Blinded with some Truth about YOU ^_^ Defense Mechanism maybe..I"m Not a Perfect One I'm a Sinners But I will Never Betray a Friend specially the People that I Love I can Prove to You that ..If You define betrayal as Telling the Truth then It's not my Problem anymore.A Piece Of Advice WAKE UP!!!GROW UP!!!! ^_^

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