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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Online Love affair..........

Oh, what can an incurable romantic like me do? I always have the penchant to watch romantic movies and read romantic stories. Usually, romance movies have a happy or tragic ending. But why is it that most of us are masochistic? It seems that no matter how difficult things are and somehow we can predict how the story will end, we still have the desire to start a relationship no matter how impossible it may be.
Like here on the net. Some part of me would like to believe that an online love affair might work. Many people find solace here. It’s easier to find intimacy here or so we think? Promises and wishes are there to make our days sunny and bright, even though we know that it might not come true at all.
 But maybe, I still want to believe in this romantic fantasy world where in correspondences are enough. Like in ancient times, writing a love letter and mailing it were enough for the lovers, until such time that they can really be together, and get married.
I think most people would like to spend time with a person here on the net without the burden of  a real life relationship. We have to admit that people can express themselves freely and easily here on the net. It is also very  convenient because all you need is some privacy and an internet connection.
But come to think of it, we’ll never get to know the person unless we spend real moments with that person in flesh and blood.  We think it might be love, but as time passes by, we suddenly realize how shallow  those words were. Is it really true? How can they prove it? In the end, it’s real action that counts.

Let us ask ourselves these questions:  Is this person for real?  Are we able to cope up with our promises and make it a reality,especially when distance is a big factor? Are we willing to go an extra mile to meet the person and take the risk? Will the relationship still work if we make a real life transition?
No matter how bizarre the set-up may be, there is something positive about online love relationships. Everybody needs company and someone to talk to. If they haven’t got the chance to meet someone special in real life, this might be an alternative. This can also bring smiles to their faces and fill the emptiness they feel in their lives.
I know that this can not substitute for a real life relationship but  come to think of it, this can also make a person happy  and loved. These people  realize that they  are  able to connect  with someone.  Someone cares and someone is willing to listen to their problems and stories. Their lives are not as bad as they think it is.
In any relationship,  there is a risk that an online love affair might not work out and the two of you might say goodbye in the end.  But if we open our minds into the possibility that this will soon end, then I guess there would be no heartbreak, and we can easily move on with our lives. Just as long as we keep in mind that, it was good while it lasted.  I know it’s easier said and done, but we can manage it if we wanted to.

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