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Monday, April 9, 2012

Letting Go and Moving On

Letting go is difficult to do when you really love a person. It takes time to let go. It takes sacrifices. It takes time to think and analyze before deciding. Thinking not only once nor twice, but thinking every now and then. Deciding such thing is not that easy, we need to think the advantages and disadvantages. Think about yourself. Think about what will happen when you'll decide to hold on, and what are its consequences. And don't forget to think if your partner is also fighting or you're just the only one who is fighting the battle. If you'll find out that you were the only one who is fighting, better not to hold on. Never hope, but you can dream. Never assume but you can think. Even we love that person so much, it will come to the point that we will get tired and get used to the things that were happening. Be yourself and and don't pretend to be someone else. Cry if you must. Shout if you want. But never forget to think about yourself. Help yourself to let go. It is us who makes decision. It is us who thinks. We need to use our BRAIN this time not our heart. In order for us to let go, we must forgive but we can't forget. The memories will remain but in time, it will vanish and one day we can say "it was just a part of my past and who I am". Let go of that person. Let go of the feelings. Let go of the memories just for now. Let yourself see what happiness is. Let yourself be happy of what you have. Be happy and be contented. Don't think of what happened instead think of what will happen next. Continue the journey of your life. And put in your mind that there's someone better who deserves you and who will make you happy, accept you and love you for who and what you are. Love is everywhere. Love hurts. Love sacrifices. Love takes risks. Start a new chapter of your life and continue the book. Make as many chapters you can. Feel the essence of life and don't forget to smile even just for a day. Laugh naturally and love yourself and be ready for the next chapter. Don't give up but fight and be strong as life gives you challenges to encounter. Always remember, past is just already a memory, present is the most important one and look forward for your future. Explore when you still can. Don't waste time when you still have it. Live life!


Anonymous said...

After reading this article, I've decided to pursue the truth of being unhappy due to lack of honesty.. It hurts a lot when you yourself doesn't understand the word REAL, where at the end you will find yourself loosing almost everything, including the one who, somehow, makes you smile in a way.. But consequences must take place.. Paybacks must be handed-over.. It's all my fault.. No one should be blamed but me.. I took the blame.. I had the pains as payments.. I should've prevented it.. But destiny is destiny.. It will happen.. Not because you didn't do nothing.. But because you did something..

Anonymous said...

letting go and moving on is the hardest thing to do. we need time. time to forget. time to heal. this article helps me a lot. may be it's time for me to forget the past. to forget him. i should start a new beginning. mahirap man gawin pero kailangan. ako din ang mahhrapan kung babalik balikan ko pa ang nkaraan. sana magawa ko to ng mabilis. kalimutan sya. kalimutan ang lahat. alam kong may mas msayang darating pra sakin. isa lang syang pagsubok na alam kong kaya kong lampasan. i dont want to waste my time thinking of the wrong person.

Anonymous said...

to all who can relate to this... thank you so much for giving your tym to read and think about this,, if it helped u to decide what to do,, were glad that even in this little kind of act we can help someone in their misery... love lots,,dbp family

Anonymous said...

tnx to dbp.. continue posting this kind of article. it helps a lot. now i know what to do.. and how to fight for my own.. hnd habang buhay magde depend na lang tao sa isang tao na sa huli ay iiwan dn tayo.. learn to love ourself first. magtira sa sarili.. :)) tnx again dbp..

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