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Friday, February 3, 2012


Friday 3rd February, 2012
St Blaise; St Ansgar. DAY OF PENANCE. Ecclesiastics 47:2-11. Blessed be God my salvation!—Ps 17(18):31, 47, 50-51. Mark 6:14-29.

Half-good is not good enough!
Herod puts himself in a quandary. Rapidly the chains on John the Baptist become a noose around Herod’s neck. How well this illustrates your saying, Jesus, about trying to serve God and mammon.

What does this say to us though? It’s not easy to discern what comes from your Spirit or what is from the spirit of deceit. So we can have the sense of being caught like Herod. Even after we make up our mind how your Spirit is leading us, often enough our courage fails. We say, ‘Let me hang on, don’t take away what I’m used to coping with, messy as it is.’

So we ask you again, Lord, to lead us and guide us in your way, not to let our courage fail in following you.


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